Constitution of the State of Lasetia
In pursuit of stability and security for the people of the State of Lasetien and to promote their development and prosperity, this Constitution is hereby adopted to establish the principles of a democratic but authoritarian government.
Article I: Form of Government and Principles
The State of Lasetien is a democratic authoritarian republic based on the principles of unity, stability and security.
The State of Lasetien respects the fundamental rights and freedoms of its citizens, but within the framework of national security and general welfare.
Article II: Legislative Power
Legislative power in the State of Lasetien is exercised by three bodies:
§1 The President - who embodies the supreme executive power and presides over the National Council.
§2 The National Council - consisting of elected representatives of the people who pass and control laws.
§3 The Cabinet - a collection of ministries responsible for various key areas of government.
Article III: Executive Power
Executive power lies with the president, who is elected by the population. The President is responsible for:
§1 The execution of the laws and regulations of the National Council.
§2 The appointment and dismissal of cabinet ministers.
§3 The control of the Lasetic National Army and the security forces.
Article IV: Cabinet
The cabinet consists of the following ministries:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - responsible for shaping and implementing foreign policy.
Ministry of the Interior - responsible for maintaining internal order and security.
Ministry of Defense - responsible for the security of the country and the coordination of the Lasetic National Army.
Ministry of Immigration - responsible for immigration policy and citizenship issues.
Ministry of Justice - responsible for upholding the rule of law and prosecuting crimes.
Ministry of Social Affairs - responsible for social services, education and healthcare.
Ministry of Finance - responsible for budget management and economic policy.
Article V: Lasetic National Army
The Laseti National Army is the armed force of the State of Laseti and is under the direct command of the President. The army's tasks include defending national security, preserving sovereignty and dealing with internal crises.
Article VI: Presidential Elections
The president is elected directly by the people every five months.
The president can run for unlimited consecutive terms.
Article VII: Fundamental Rights
The fundamental rights of the citizens of Lasetien are guaranteed, however, these rights may be restricted in the interests of national security and public welfare if deemed necessary by the President or Cabinet.
Article VIII: Constitutional Amendments
Constitutional changes require the approval of two thirds of the members of the National Council and the approval of the President.
If it is legal, only the president has to agree if danger threatens.
Article IX: Rights of Citizens
Right to life and security: Every citizen of Lasetien has the inalienable right to life and personal security. The government is obliged to take appropriate measures to protect these rights.
Freedom of expression and freedom of the press: Citizens have the right to freely express their opinions and receive information through various media sources. The government respects freedom of the press and protects the independence of the media.
Freedom of Religion: Citizens have the right to freely choose and practice their religion. The government recognizes the diversity of religious beliefs and guarantees religious freedom for all citizens.
Equality before the law: All citizens are equal before the law, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or social status.
Property Rights: The right to property is guaranteed, and the government respects the private property of citizens. Expropriations are only permitted under special circumstances and against fair compensation.
Article X: Duties of Citizens
Fidelity to the Constitution and Laws: Every citizen is obliged to respect and obey the Constitution and laws of the State of Lasetien.
Compulsory service: Every citizen who has the physical and mental capabilities is obliged to defend the state in times of emergency or war and to serve in the Lasetic National Army.
Tax obligation: Every citizen is obliged to pay their taxes and duties punctually and in full in order to support the community.
Maintaining public order: Every citizen has the duty to maintain public order and comply with the
To comply with laws and regulations to ensure harmonious coexistence in society.
Solidarity and community spirit: Citizens are called upon to support each other and act in solidarity to promote the well-being and cohesion of society.
Article XI: Emergency Powers of the President
In times of serious threat to national security or exceptional emergencies, the President may be given special powers to act quickly and effectively. These powers should be exercised in accordance with the Constitution for as long as possible.
Article XII: Vote of no confidence
§1: General provisions
The vote of no confidence is a tool used by the members of the National Council to check the trust in the incumbent president or a member of the cabinet.
The vote of no confidence can only be applied on the basis of legitimate reasons and serious misconduct that endangers the proper functioning of the government and the well-being of the State of Lasetien.
§2: Submission of a motion of no confidence
A motion of no confidence can be submitted by any member of the National Council. The request must be in writing and must set out clear reasons for not trusting the official in question.
The motion of no confidence must be supported by at least a third of the members of the National Council to be valid.
The President or the concerned member of the Cabinet has the right to comment on the allegations made before the vote of no confidence is taken.
§3: Voting and consequences
The vote of no confidence is decided by a secret vote in the National Council.
A qualified majority of at least two-thirds of the members of the National Council present is required for the vote of no confidence.
If the vote of no confidence is passed with the required majority, the official concerned will be removed from office immediately.
In the event of a successful vote of no confidence in the president, a new presidential election will be held within 30 days to determine a new president.
§4: Impeachment and consequences
After a successful vote of no confidence, the deposed official has the right to challenge the decision before the independent court.
During the proceedings before the independent court, the official remains suspended and cannot carry out his official duties.
The term of office of an official removed by a vote of no confidence ends immediately and he is not eligible to run for the same office again.
§5: Repeated motions of no confidence
A motion of no confidence against the same official cannot be made more than once within a term of office, unless there are new, serious reasons.
If a public official has been removed by a vote of no confidence and wishes to hold the same office again at a later date, he or she may run for office again as long as the constitutional term limit is not exceeded.
Article XIII: Protection of State Secrets
The President and members of the Cabinet have the responsibility to protect state secrets to ensure national security. Disclosing state secrets without authorization can have legal consequences.
Article XIV: Responsibility of the Government
The government of Lasetien State is responsible to the people and must act accountable. The President and the cabinet ministries are obliged to justify their decisions and actions before the National Council.
Article XV: National Defense
The Lasetic National Army is responsible for the defense of the country and national security. The President has the right to use the army to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the state if the need arises.
Article XVI: Jurisprudence
The judiciary in Lasetien State is independent and ensures the fair and equitable application of the laws. The judges are free from any influence and make decisions objectively based on the constitution and laws.
In certain cases, the government is allowed to influence the judiciary if it sees incompetent work in the judiciary.
Article XVII: Language and Culture
The official language of the state of Lasetien is German. The government promotes the preservation and promotion of Lasetic culture, language and traditions.
Article XVIII: Emergency laws and exceptional situations
In the event of an exceptional threat to the security and integrity of the state or during a serious crisis, the President may issue temporary emergency laws with the approval of the National Council. These laws may restrict certain fundamental rights
n to adequately overcome the challenges. The emergency laws may only apply for a limited time and require regular reviews by the National Council.
Article XIX: Citizen's Duty to Defend
In times of a declaration of war or in the event of an external threat, the President may order a general mobilization to call upon citizens to defend the state. In such situations, all physically and mentally capable citizens are obliged to follow military orders and make their contribution to the defense.
Article XX: Necessity of consent in military actions
The President has the authority to command military actions on behalf of the State of Lasetien. However, extensive military operations and wars that have a certain duration or effects require the prior approval of the National Council.
Article XXI: Independent Jurisprudence
The judges of the State of Lasetien enjoy independence and immunity in their functions and decision-making. They are not subject to direct influence from the executive or legislative branches. An independent court will be established to resolve disputes and constitutional issues and ensure justice.
Article XXII: Citizens' Initiatives and Referendums
Citizens have the right to launch initiatives and call for referendums to directly decide certain issues. Such an initiative or referendum can be initiated by the consent of a certain number of citizens or by the National Council. The results of referendums are legally binding and must be respected by the government.
Article XXIII: Media Control
The government has the right to monitor and control the media in the interests of national security to prevent misinformation or threats. Freedom of expression is respected, but the dissemination of demonstrably false information or incitement against state integrity may be prosecuted.
Article XXIV: Protection and promotion of culture
The State of Laseti recognizes the importance of cultural diversity and is committed to protecting and promoting Laseti culture, language and traditions. The government can take measures to preserve and enhance cultural wealth.
Article XXV: Territorial Integrity
§1 The territorial integrity of the State of Lasetien is inviolable. No part of the national territory may be ceded or abandoned unless this is done by a clear consent of the majority of citizens in a referendum.
§2 Article 25, paragraph 1 is invalid with immediate effect if Article 27 comes into effect and is announced by German powers or the Lasetic President.
Article XXVI: Constitution as supreme law
This constitution is the highest law in the state of Lasetien. All laws, regulations and acts of the Government shall be in accordance with this Constitution. Any attempt to amend or abrogate this Constitution shall be legally void. The Government, the Cabinet and the citizens are obliged to ensure the upholding and implementation of this Constitution.
Article XXVII: Reference to the Federal Republic of Germany
§1 The government is obliged to turn against so-called “Reichsbürger” and groups at home and abroad that violate and do not recognize the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Germany and, if there is suspicion of terrorism, to hand them over to the German authorities.
§2 If Germany's V case occurs, Lasetien will be dissolved with immediate effect and a peaceful incorporation will occur
Given at Lasetien, signed by:
PRESIDENT, Maximilian IB July 21, 2023