All media things that have to do with Lasetien are listed here. Whether it's the national food or the presidential flag, here is a small collection
National Flag
Dies ist die nationale Flagge von Lasetien die schon am Gründungstag entworfen und schon seit dem wichtigstes Symbol Lasetiens und Erkennungsmerkmal. Der Kranz steht für Weizen und die Hand steht für die Macht des Volkes und der Demokratie.
Coat of arms of Lasetia
This is the official coat of arms of Lasetien. The Y stands for the diarchy that existed at the beginning of Lasetia's founding. The eagle is a sign of German influence and culture and the dragon represents Lasetic power.
Unofficial civil flag
This is the unofficial flag of Lasetien with the national colors blue, yellow and black. Blue stands for the sky and the outdoor pool next to Lasetien, yellow for the sun and the fields that surround Lasetien and black for elegance and power.
Presidental standart
This is the official presidential standard of Lasetien. It is also a sign from the government. This flag is used in high-level letters from the President and is hung in the President's Office.
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Lasetian National Army
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Service name
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Service Name
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