The Lasetic summer break is coming to an end and the nation is slowly becoming more active again. For months the Free State of Lasetia has presented itself as a fully democratic nation, but what lies behind this democracy is nothing more than an autocracy.
Only recently was the first legislative package pushed through by decree from the President. literally.
There was no vote in the National Council because resistance was feared.
The controversy about the legislative package was the new laws against so-called zoophiles.
According to the Constitution, it is okay to make these laws by decree, as there are many more regulations and laws in there as well. A new paragraph makes Lasetia a full-fledged democracy in an autocratic state. We are talking about paragraph 14 of the first legislative package I:
An impeachment trial can only take place if 90% of the National Council and the Board of Governors agree. At least 60% of the cabinet must vote in favor of this.
The President can enforce and enforce laws by decree. The National Council does not even have to vote for it.
Such an impeachment procedure would under no circumstances be possible given the current capacities. There are 4 politicians in the National Council, 2 of them from the ZRP. In order to reach the 90% mark, the President himself would have to agree or 10 politicians in the National Council would have to vote for it.
The real problem is that 60% of the cabinet would have to vote for it. According to the Laseti government, almost all ministerial/inspector posts are occupied by the current president and some by the vice-president and chairman of the ZRP. So it's impossible to do anything as an opposition.
In paragraph 2 of Article 14, the President can implement practically anything without the consent of the National Council, including extending the term of office by declaring a state of emergency! It depends on the president how democratic Laseti will be. It is not particularly good construction of laws.
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